You are about to enter into a new venture, and you want to do it right. It would be a good idea to use a lawyer to help you to do that. If you are like many people, you may not realize that not every lawyer is right for every kind of issue. The lawyer that did your parents’ wills is probably not the best lawyer to handle your brother’s divorce. The lawyer that defended your cousin when he got arrested is not likely to be the best lawyer to incorporate your new business.
It is important to engage the best lawyer for your particular circumstances. For starting a new business venture, here are some good questions to start with.
What types of cases do you generally handle?
How long have you been in practice?
Who is your typical client?
How many cases like mine have you handled?
What are your fees and how are they billed?
How will you communicate progress to me?
Will I need other services from you to complete this?
When will this process be complete?
To see additional questions and explanations there is a list originally published on at Ten Questions to ask your Potential Lawyer.
If you are starting a new venture in the Los Angeles Area, particularly an entertainment or real estate venture, perhaps I can help you. Get in touch.